What Is A Sacrum Dressing And Why Do People Need Them?

What is a sacrum? This is a common question that several individuals probably have if they've never heard of the term before. The sacrum is basically the medical term used to describe the area of the body located just above the tailbone. This area of the body is susceptible to pressure wounds, and many people who are more sedentary will develop these pressure wounds that can be quite painful. Pressure sores are known to be complicated to treat. This is mostly due to the fact that pressure must be relieved in order to treat a pressure wound. And, if someone is bed-ridden most of the day, then it's hard to relieve that pressure in order to treat the pressure wound.

If you have a pressure wound in the tailbone area, it's not easy to constantly keep the pressure off of it because then the pressure will just increase again the next time you sit or lay down. This pressure area is common for individuals who are recently recovering from any surgical procedures or are dealing with a long-term illness, which causes them to spend most of their time sitting or laying down. Pressure sores don't take a long time to develop and that area of the body needs to be constantly inspected so that the pressure sores won't occur. Patients at risk of pressure sores need to be rotated often, and there are certain cushions that can help get rid of the pressure. Sacrum dressings and wound care is often involved as well.

Sacrum Dressing - What Is It?

Sacrum dressing is a bandage that goes over the sacrum area. Sacrum dressings are used to treat and lower the chances of pressure wounds and ulcers from occurring. The sacrum dressing has a unique shape that will specifically fit the sacrum area of the body. They almost resemble the shape of a heart.

Bandages need to be manufactured in all different shapes and sizes in order to fit certain parts of the body. Sacrum dressings will have mild padding on them and they are also gradually sloped in a way that allows increased comfort for that specific area.

Pressure ulcers can result from a couple of different things. Pressure, friction, shear, and microclimate are the main factors. With sacrum dressings, shear is redistributed. Sacrum dressings also lower the amount of pressure a patient will experience, as well as the friction. The overall climate surrounding the wound in the sacrum area needs to be able to breathe.

Sacrum dressings effectively aid in all of the above factors, but proper ulcer prevention actions still need to be taken. While sacrum dressings are one of the things that can be used, there are also other things out there. If you have any questions surrounding pressure sores, speak with your doctor about it and develop a plan of action.

If you're only able to spend most of the day in bed, a plan needs to be formulated so these pressure sores won't develop and get out of control. Pressure injuries are painful and not something you want to deal with.

How Do You Use Mepilex Border Sacrum Dressings?

To apply Mepilex Border sacrum dressings, follow the four steps:

  • Take off the center film.

  • Press the sticky side against the pressure wound.

  • Take off the side films.

  • Press down and smooth the sides.

What's The Point Of Using Mepilex Border Sacrum Dressings?

  • To lower the chances of ulcers beginning in the first place.

  • If you or a patient already has existing pressure wounds in the sacrum area.

  • Mepilex border dressings are good at controlling the fluid that drains out of the sacrum area. The dressing will lower the chances of any skin breaking down.

  • Mepilex is manufactured with technology that will lower pain and prevent tissue damage from occurring when dressings are changed.

  • Mepilex dressings are unique in that they don't actually adhere to the bed of a wound. They only seal right around the edges so that no skin will be stripped when the bandages are swapped over. This results in a quicker healing process.

  • Mepilex border sacrum dressings provide a fully encompassing approach in dealing with pressure wounds and other issues in the sacrum area of the body.

Are There Alternatives To Mepilex Border Sacrum Dressings?

One alternative to Mepilex border sacrum dressings is DeRoyal Polyderm GTL Silicone foam sacral dressings. Polyderm GTL effectively keeps pressure wounds protected and reduces the risk of any other pressure-related injuries. The material used is very mild on the skin and also contains an ideal shape for the sacral area of the body. The bandage will securely contour on the tailbone area and give increased protection.

The bandage also absorbs any fluid that drains from the wound. This will provide an increased measure of healing to the surrounding skin. The tapering edges of the bandage will mitigate the risks of the bandage rolling up the skin. Another nice thing to note is that the bandages are water-resistant. This will allow the wound to heal quicker and more efficiently while preventing bacteria from getting in.

Sacrum VS Coccyx Pressure Ulcer

When it comes to a sacrum or coccyx pressure ulcer, the coccyx is the area that is located just below the sacrum. It is the medical term for what is commonly known as the tailbone.