how to insert pessary

Pessaries are special medical devices for women that support the walls of the vagina and help correct pelvic organ misalignment. In most cases, the insertion of pessaries is done at home. However, this does not mean that a visit to the doctor is not required. In any case, it is necessary to be monitored regularly and come for check-ups. How to properly insert a pessary yourself - we suggest you read the detailed instructions below.

Preparation for the procedure

Before inserting the pessary yourself, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician. Such devices come in different sizes and shapes, so it is necessary to proceed from the individual anatomical features, situation, and age. The doctor can advise what material and what form of pessary to use, so it was most comfortable to wear it.

Pessaries are used in the following cases:

  • late pregnancy;
  • pelvic organ prolapse;
  • pelvic muscle dysfunction;
  • urinary incontinence. 

Consult your doctor on how often you should change pessaries and how to avoid getting infections in the vagina. You can buy these medical devices at any pharmacy.  

Pessary insertion: step-by-step instructions

When you have bought a pessary, you can proceed to the procedure of insertion. Before this, be sure to rinse the genitals and blot them with a clean towel. After that, follow the instructions:

  1. Treat your hands with an antiseptic or wash your hands with soap and water. Dry them with a towel. 
  2. Take the package with the pessary and open it. If the product was not packaged, it should be thoroughly washed and dried. 
  3. Fold the pessary in half. To do this correctly, you need to carefully inspect it. On the outer ring of the product should be small notches or holes. These will be the places of bending. It is necessary to take the ring between these points. 
  4. Take a special water-based lubricant. It should be applied to the upper curved edge of the ring. It is he who will be inserted into the vagina in the first place. 
  5. Take a comfortable position for yourself to install the medical device. The pessary can be inserted either lying down, sitting, or standing. Most women prefer to insert the device in a standing position. This is done as follows: put one leg on a chair or other high surface and bend over to make it easier to insert the pessary. If the product is inserted lying down, you should spread your legs and use one hand to push the labia and the other to insert the medical device.
  6. Gently insert the pessary into the vagina. This should be done carefully, with the lubricated end forward. At the same time, it should be in an upright position. 
  7. Push the product as far as possible, but so that there is no discomfort. Let go of it when it rests against you. When you do this, the pessary should open and take the desired shape. If you feel uncomfortable, try to correct it with your index finger. 

After the procedure, wash your hands with soap and water. With proper insertion, you should not experience any discomfort. 

Basic rules for using the pessary

If the vaginal device is inserted correctly, you will hardly feel it. You should not feel any discomfort when going to the toilet when moving or bending over. In all cases, the pessary should not fall out or stick out. To avoid this, check it in the bathroom by applying a little pressure on the lower abdomen. 

If after the installation of the pessary you have discomfort when moving or urinating, it is likely that it does not fit you in size or shape. In this case, you should visit your doctor and tell him about this problem. He should choose another medical device. 

Changing and cleaning the product

It is ideal to clean the pessary at least once a day. It should be taken out, washed with soap and water, dried, and reinserted. Some women remove it at night, then reinsert it in the morning. However, this is not suitable for everyone. You should consult with your doctor if you can do so in your situation. 

There are situations where you can not install the pessary yourself. In that case, you should visit your doctor every 3 months for a professional examination and cleaning. Never delay it, it can be dangerous!

What to do if the pessary falls out

Pessaries rarely fall out during urination. These situations most often occur during defecation. Always check the toilet after each visit to make sure the device has not fallen out. If this happens, you should take it out and rinse it thoroughly with soap and warm water. 

After that, place it in an alcohol solution for 20 minutes and then in a container of water for the same time. This way you can completely clean it of infections and bacteria. Wipe it with a clean paper towel. The pessary can now be reused. 

How to remove the pessary correctly

Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly or disinfect them with an antiseptic agent. Take a comfortable position and spread your legs apart. At the same time, your knees should be bent. It is better to take the position that you used when you inserted the pessary. 

Insert your index finger into the vagina and try to feel the end of the ring of the product. Pull it, moving outward. The rim should be just above the pubic bone. If the pessary does not come out, tilt it slightly at about 30 degrees. Push a little as if you want to defecate. This should advance the end of the device. 

Grip the edge with your finger and pull the pessary out of the vagina. If you can't do it the first time, try tilting it more when removing it. One way or another it is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to get used to it and take a comfortable position. After removing the pessary, do not forget to wash your hands. 


Pessaries help many women during pregnancy, after surgery, for chronic diseases. By no means use the product without a doctor's prescription. Only a professional will be able to pick the right size and shape so that you wear it without any discomfort. Do not forget to visit the doctor every three months if you use this vaginal product. Observe all hygiene rules during insertion and removal to prevent infection!