Get Help with Recovery after Abdominal Surgery

In most cases, having any form of abdominal surgery performed is no minor event. As a result, surgeons can recommend that you refrain from doing strenuous activities or heavy lifting for anywhere between 1 and 6 months afterwards. While it is imperative that you follow your surgeon’s advice with regards to recovery, there are a few products available such as abdominal pads and support belts that can help provide some extra relief during this time.

Consider Using an Abdominal Support Belt

Although many people think that an abdominal support belt is something that should only be used by people who have hernias or who need additional kidney support when engaging in strenuous activities such as weight lifting, this is not the case. When searching for abdominal binders for sale, many people discover that these devices can be used after having abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or even liposuction surgery, a caesarian section or any other form of surgery that has involved cutting of the stomach muscles.

Various Abdominal Pads Also Available

In addition to having a great range of abdominal binders for sale, also stocks abdominal pads that can be used to protect a surgery site while healing is taking place. This helps ensure that the site remains 100% clean and free of infection as well. The abdominal pads are available as individual units or as continual rolls, which means that wounds of all sizes can be correctly cared for post-surgery.

Become Active As Soon as Possible After Surgery

When using abdominal support belts or binders after surgery, it not only ensures that you remain more comfortable while you are healing; these devices allow you to get up a little sooner after surgery and start walking. This help improve blood circulation – and ultimately, healing – at the surgery site, while reducing swelling substantially as well. As a result, you could find your recovery time being shortened significantly, which means that you may be able to return to your regular routine sooner than initially expected.

Using Abdominal Support Belts

These devices are normally applied in the operating theater immediately after surgery has been completed. Your physician will provide you with instructions regarding how long you will need to wear the device for. In most cases, you will need to wear it constantly for the first week or two, and from there on, it should only be removed when bathing or showering. After the third week, your physician may allow you to remove it at night and replace it each morning. As a result, it is strongly recommended that you have two belts, so that you can still be wearing one while the other is being cleaned. has an extensive range of surgical care products available. All stock is of the highest quality and is rotated regularly, ensuring that you only get the freshest supplies. If you would like to find out more about the abdominal pads for sale or binders that are kept in stock, feel free to contact our sales team today.