Issue with continence can develop for a number of reasons. Some chronic health issues increase the odds of being incontinent. At other times, the condition is temporary and will fade as the person recovers from surgery. Others may undergo an procedures that require the use of ostomy pouches for the rest of their lives. In all of these cases, changes to the diet can minimize the potential for accidents to take place and help you to enjoy life more. Here are some ideas to keep in mind.

The Issue of Caffeine

There’s a good chance that the caffeine in your diet is creating some of the issues you are experiencing. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the bladder which in turn increases the urgency to urinate. For a person who is already experiencing issues with incontinence, the effect of the caffeine only increases the odds of having an accident in public.

Choosing to reduce the amount of caffeine you take in each day will help you manage your condition more effectively. Keep in mind there are many sources of caffeine in food today. Along with coffee and many types of tea, you can expect to find caffeine in many packaged foods. Choosing to focus more on fresh foods that are recommended by your doctor and going with beverages that are free of caffeine will decrease your dependency on continence products and curb some of those sudden urges to go right this minute.

Artificial Sweeteners are Not Your Friend

While artificial sweeteners are popular among people who need to limit their intake of simple carbohydrates or who want to lose weight, they are not a good dietary choice for you. Regular consumption of these sweeteners can interfere with your bladder function and could also have a negative impact on bowel function. As with caffeine, artificial sweeteners are found in many different packaged foods. Get into the habit of reading labels and know the brand and generic names of these sweeteners. After a few days, you’ll notice that leaving off the artificial stuff does seem to make it easier to get through the day without any incidents.

Fresh Juice is Good for You

While water is a good choice for a number of reasons, your doctor may recommend that you sip on fresh juice instead of other beverage choices. Juice without added sugar and a host of artificial ingredients is less likely to trigger any issues with your bladder. Remember that moderation is the key, since fruit does cause bladder irritation in some people. If you find that adding a lemon slice to your water is enough to settle your craving for something tasty to drink, let it be enough.

The result is that your ostomy products, including the pouch, will have less of a workout each day. As a bonus, the nutrients in the juice will provide part of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Your doctor can provide more ideas of how to enjoy greater continence control by making changes to your diet. Between those ideas and making sure you keep the right type of medical supplies on hand, going wherever you like and enjoying whatever activities are of interest will be a lot easier.