You have found out personally that incontinence is one of the most common after-effects of undergoing surgery for prostate cancer. While you are responding well to the post-surgical treatments and things look good, the lack of control leaves you feeling as if there is no choice to be stay home. The fact is that since you are doing so well otherwise there is no reason you should not be out and enjoying what’s left of the summer. Here are some of the ways you can manage your condition and still have fun.

Physical Therapy and Exercise

One of your first lines of defense is using physical therapy and certain types of exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles. Urology nurses as well as continence advisors can connect you with a therapist who understands the trauma your body has recently experienced and knows what sort of exercises will help you regain a measure of control sooner rather than later.

Working in tandem with your primary care physician, the therapist can help you understand what sort of pelvic exercises will restore function and tone to the muscles that allow you to control your bladder and bowels. Be patient as it will take time for the exercises to produce results. In the interim, you can also be using a few other strategies that help you feel more comfortable about getting out of the house.

Incontinence Undergarments

When most people think of discount incontinence products like undergarments, they immediately have visions of bulky diapers that don’t fit well under clothing. One of the first things you must do is drop that idea. The undergarments on the market today are more absorbent than the products available in years past. Best of all, they are also thinner and look more like a standard style of undergarment.

Designed to be leak proof, the garments do fit snugly. They are also designed to trap moisture and keep it from settling on the skin. Many of the garments on the market are also treated to help minimize the scent. That buys you more time to excuse yourself, find a restroom, clean up, and done a fresh set of undergarments.

What About the Usual Summer Activities?

While the undergarments are fine in terms of allowing you to go on picnics, take in a movie, or go out to eat with friends, what about some of the things you love to do in summer? Specifically, how can you go swimming in a lake or pool without worry? That’s where incontinence swimming products come into the picture.

There are two routes to go with these products. One is to wear absorbant and discreet pads under your favorite swimsuit. These are designed to stay in place and prevent any leakage from staining the suit or leading to an embarrassing moment in the water. Many people find these pads (or swim diapers as they are sometimes called) work quite well for them.

You can also purchase an incontinence swimsuit that is designed to achieve the same end. The suit includes a form-fitting insert that can be changed if the need arises. In any case, you won’t have to worry about any stains appearing or any leakage as you enjoy the water.

Urinary and bowel incontinence does not have to leave you on the sidelines. Take the time today to learn more about the wide range of Hollister incontinence products you can put to good use during your recovery. It won’t take long to see how well they work and once again feel confident about pursuing your favorite summertime activities.