4 Myths About Male Incontinence

Living with incontinence is not something you expected. Whether your condition is permanent or temporary, it pays to know the facts about male incontinence and avoid being fooled by some of the misinformation out there. Here are four myths about incontinence in males that you are likely to hear and why they do not have any basis in facts.

You’ll Never Feel Clean Again

It’s true that leakage isn’t pleasant. What you may not know is that many of the products on the market today are designed to soak the moisture away from the skin and leave you feeling cleaner. This is certainly true of the incontinence underwear available today.

Along with protecting your skin and helping you feel cleaner, many of the underwear designs of today also help to minimize the odor. That provides you with more time to get to a restroom, do a little quick cleaning, and slip on a fresh pair of underwear.

Your Intimate Life is Over

Some men refrain from intimate encounters because of fears about leakage during sex. The truth is that the potential for leakage during an encounter is very low. This is especially true if you are following the type of diet recommended by your doctor. Unless there are some other health issues that may be complicating things, incontinence alone should not be viewed as the end of intimacy.

Catheters are Messy and Cause Pain

No one will argue that catheters do cause some level of discomfort. The good news is that there are several different designs to consider. All of today’s catheters are more comfortable than those available as recently as a decade ago.

Proper care of a urinary catheter helps to minimize the potential for discomfort. Read the instructions included with the disposable catheters and be sure to replace them daily. That reduces the chances of developing some type of urinary infection.

Remember that not all catheters have to be inserted. There are external male catheter designs today that are perfect for dealing with urinary leakage. Designed to work with just about any dimensions, these are among the most comfortable and the easiest to change quickly.

When used properly, you don’t have to worry about stains and similar problems. Talk with your doctor about proper catheter care and what sort of cleaning agents to use. Once you get into the habit of using the right products, you will have no problem cleaning up easily.

Incontinence Products are Expensive

If someone has told you that it will take a lot of money to secure the right products, don’t believe it. Everything from cheap catheters to affordable underpants are on the market these days. Best of all, much of the expense is covered by health insurance. Even if you have to pay for the products out of pocket, many companies offer discounts and special offers for those living in limited incomes.

Learn the facts about male incontinence and pay no attention to the myths. You’ll discover ways to live with your condition and still enjoy a full life. By knowing the truth, you will also spend more time doing what you like and not being held back by the fears brought on by that misinformation.