4 Early Signs that you Might Have a Hernia – and what you can do about it

 A hernia occurs when part of an internal organ is displaced in the body and it starts protruding through the cavity wall that contains it and in most cases, the intestines are the most common place for a hernia to occur. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned below, it may be an indication of a hernia being present. Wearing a hernia belt can help alleviate discomfort, but a doctor should be consulted if the pain persists or worsens.

4 Early Signs that you Might Have a Hernia – and what you can do about it

#1 – Continual Discomfort in the Affected Area

Although most hernias occur in the abdominal area, they can in fact be present virtually anywhere in the body. One of the most common symptoms to look out for is when you experience severe and continual discomfort in a particular area of your body, especially when bending over, lifting anything heavy or coughing. While it may be normal to experience a little discomfort after eating a large meal, any pain that doesn’t go away or that worsens over time should be addressed with your doctor, as it could be an indication of a hernia being present.

#2 – A Burning, Aching or Gurgling Sensation at the Hernia Site

While not all hernias are visible (especially in the beginning stages), there are other symptoms to look out for, such as a burning, gurgling or aching sensation in the abdomen and feeling severe pressure in this area that doesn’t seem to lessen over time. Depending on the type of hernia that is present, chest pain, difficulty in swallowing and serious acid reflux can be experienced as well.

#3 – Swelling at the Site and Blood in the Stool

One of the most common symptoms of a hernia is that of a lump beneath the skin in the abdominal and/or grain area. In some cases, these lumps may disappear when you lie down and they are usually extremely tender to the touch as well. Another symptom to take note of is if constipation has occurred and there is blood present in stools after the constipation has been relieved.

#4 – Dealing with a Hernia

Nowadays, there are dedicated hernia support products available on the market. However, before using hernia belts for men or women to provide support and relief, it is imperative that you be correctly diagnosed by a doctor. He or she will perform a series of tests to determine what type of hernia is present and once this is done, you will be presented with various treatment options. However, in most cases, wearing a hernia support belt can be of tremendous help while waiting for surgery to be performed.

If you suspect that you may have a hernia, it is crucial to follow the advice given to you by your doctor with regards to treatment and post-operative care. This will help ensure that the affected area heals as quickly as possible and that the chances of the hernia recurring are kept to a minimum. Should you require advice pertaining to the best type of hernia support products to purchase, contact us at CANMedDirect.ca today.